Tuesday 20 May 2014

Ladybirds and Woolly Thistles

On the footpath between Elm Lane and Pannel Lane there are a lot of Woolly Thistles.  They are very conspicuous because the sheep have grazed everything else around them.  What was even more noticeable was that almost every one had a dozen or more 7-spot ladybirds on the leaves.  On one I even spotted some yellow eggs which I assume were ladybird eggs.  I've not heard of any association between ladybirds and thistles before, but I can see the logic of finding somewhere hairy and prickly to lay your eggs and let your larvae feed.  (In the photo of the eggs, you'll see a couple of out of focus aphids - perfect food for a hungry larva)

7-spot Ladybirds - Coccinella 7-punctata

Woolly Thistle - Cirsium eriophorum

7-spot Ladybird Eggs

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