Wednesday 5 November 2014

September Moths

Okay, so it's November - and high time I got round to checking my records and letting you know what I found in the moth trap in September.  There were a lot of moths, a handful of relatively scarce moths, and a few striking ones.  There was also a rather delicate Mayfly - yes, in September!  Pictures of the best and full lists below.

5 September 2014

Angle Shades
Black-headed Conch (micro)
Pond Olive Mayfly - Cloeon dipterum

Four-spotted Footman - Lithosia quadra

Blood Vein
Bright-line Brown-eye
Brown China-mark (micro)
Centre-barred Sallow
Chinese Character
Common Grass Veneer (micro)
Diamond Back (micro)
Dingy Footman
Dusky Thorn
European Corn-borer (micro)
Feathered Gothic
Flame Shoulder
Frosted Orange
German Wasp
Knot Grass
Large Yellow Underwing
Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
Light Emerald
Light-brown Apple Moth (micro)
Oak Hook-tip
Riband Wave
Ringed China Mark (micro)
Ruby Tiger
Setaceous Hebrew Character
Shuttle-shaped Dart
Six-striped Rustic
Small Blood-vein
Small Grey (micro)
Small Phoenix
Smoky Wainscot
Square-spot Rustic
Straw Dot
Wood Sage Plume - Capperia britanniodactyla
Vine’s Rustic
Willow Beauty
Wood Sage Plume (micro)

14 September 2014

Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
Clifden Nonpareil
Clifden Nonpareil - Catocala fraxini

Dusky Thorn
Frosted Orange
L-album Wainscot
Large Yellow Underwing
Narrow Grey (micro)
Oak Hook-tip
Riband Wave
Ringed China Mark (micro)
Rosy Rustic
Ruby Tiger
Setaceous Hebrew Character
Small Square-spot
Straw Dot
Willow Beauty

27 September 2014

Pinion-streaked Snout - Shrankia costaestrigalis

Angle Shades
Black Rustic
Bright-line Brown-eye
Common Wasp
Dusky Thorn
Four-spotted Footman
Frosted Orange
Light Emerald
Light-brown Apple Moth (micro)
Lunar Underwing
Narrow-winged Grey (micro)
Pinion-streaked Snout
Rush Veneer (micro)
Setaceous Hebrew Character
Silver Y
Straw Dot

Willow Beauty
Frosted Orange - Gortyna flavago

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