Tuesday 14 July 2020

April 2020 - other species

When we put out the moth trap, it was nearly a full moon so we didn't get much of a catch - only 4 species, two of which we'd not had before.  The streamer (Anticlea derivata) is a common species, as is the narrow-winged grey (Eudonia angustea).
Narrow-winged Grey

Two identifications for the price of one in this life and death picture of a female ambush spider (Misumena vatia) fangs deep into the hoverfly (Eristalis arbustorum)(a new species).  I saw the dead fly first and picked it up to try and identify it - but the spider wasn't intending to let go of her lunch so she came with it.

The Pine Ladybird is a common species but I've only seen it here since last year.  It's a very small ladybird and could be mistaken for the 2-spot Ladybird.  The main distinguishing feature apart from the different spot shapes is that the pine ladybird has a noticeable flange around the elytra (wing cases).
Pine Ladybird

The hoverflies were well represented this month.  Epistrophe eligans is another new species for the garden.  Note that we are currently on Covid-19 lock-down, so the number of new species will rise this year because I have more time to look for and identify them.

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