You know how it goes, you are sat in your living room reading and out of the corner of your eye you catch a bird landing on the wall outside. Your first thought is "it's a robin". Then you notice the lack of a red breast. Just as your brain is going through the possibilities, it flies off and you catch a glimpse of its red tail and rump and you know that you've just missed a black redstart. A few moments later it lands again in the same spot and hops down behind the wall, then back on the wall before flying off again.
Time to grab a camera and a long lens so that you have it assembled and ready in case it returns. It does return, so you lift your camera to find the viewfinder full of the robin that just chased off the redstart. So no photo. Here's one I prepared earlier - much earlier - about 2 and a half years earlier - and its a female and way down the bottom of the garden, not the beautifully marked male that perched just outside the window. It did, honestly!
Black Redstart - Phoenicurus ochruros |
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