This is the first photograph I've ever taken of an Orange-tip butterfly. It isn't that I haven't seen them before - we usually get a handful of males flying through the garden at this time of year. The 'flying through' is the clue to why I've not photographed them before - they never settle long enough for me to get the camera and focus it. But this female must have been hungry as she rested on the forget-me-nots long enough to get a few snaps.
Orange-tip female - Anthocharis cardamines |
The bumblebees are all starting to emerge now - the rest catching up with the buff-tails that have been out for weeks. This Garden Bumblebee is the first I've seen this year, and it was feeding up on red dead-nettle nectar.
Garden Bumblebee - Bombus hortorum |
The Early bumblebees have been out for a few weeks as well. The queens are usually the first to found colonies. This very small worker is probably the first generation of a new colony. She was taking advantage of our new comfrey patch, and you can see that she's already collecting pollen to feed the next generation of workers
Early Bumblebee - Bombus pratorum |
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